August 16, 2008

Before I Die

So Tommy wanted me to tell him a list of things I want to do before I die. So here it goes:

- Visit the Eiffel Tower

- Go sky diving

- Visit China

- Build a tree house

- Go repelling

- Swim with sharks

- Visit every Temple in Utah

- Make a CD

- Fly an airplane

- Go on a rampage through an exotic jungle

- Eat the most expensive thing on a menu at a super nice restaurant

- Sleep under the stars

- Do some serious 4-wheeling

- Ride in a submarine

- Travel the world

- Learn how to surf (okay check out the freaking shark in that picture. Maybe i'll cross this one off..)

- Shove someone's face in a cake or something

- Learn how to dance

- Go on a cave adventure

- Laugh until I pee my pants

- Go cliff diving

- Paint a picture (that is actually good and recognizable)

At the moment I am too tired to function correctly, so when I catch up on my sleep I will continue my list of life long goals


Mike and Shelby said...

Those are some great goals and I see no reason why you can't get ALL of those done. Scary that yuo want to swim with sharks though...NO THANK YOU!!! Have fun in France, though-stay away from their pizzas-yuck.