August 28, 2008

First Letter!!

Alright people. One week down. And it flew by! And I just got my first letter from the newly training missionary Tommy. Wow! It was so exciting! He's doing great. Eating more veggies (finally!!) and putting on the pounds. It could only be expected. He's loving all of it. I was so excited to hear from him, and to hear that he is doing great. Better than great. I love being able to write, because we will have a connection on a different level where we're only able to write to one another, and not see each other while he serves. It's a great feeling to know that I am still so close to him and his heart, while he prepares, and then when he is going to be thousands of miles away. What a blessing.

So quick recap of the week.
First day of school. Went for about an hour and a half. Then got checked out to go get my braces off. Thats right baby. No more metal. Went back for the rest of the day and then off to home. Later that night I went over to Kris and Pat's. We made these delicious pasta with squash and zuccini. Mmm. It was so great I'm making it again tomorrow night. I got to talk with Kris about a lot of things, and it was great to be able to relate to someone who went through a few of the same things that I'm dealing with right now. Thanks for being there Kris, and thanks for the great food!!!

I don't remember anything extraordinary happening on this day, so that most likely means nothing eventful happened. Just the usual routine.

This was a great day!!! No a fabulous day!! School totally rocked, and went by super fast! Then I got home and just kept hoping that I had a letter. And I did! Oh my heart was pounding as I ripped it open. (Literally ripped; my fingers wouldn't move fast enough). My heart was filled with peace and comfort as I read the words Tommy had written. I smiled, laughed, and cried at the joyous words. I can't wait to write him back.
Later that night I had a soccer game. It was a good one. We won, naturally. Maddi came to my game and it was great to see her too. I hadn't been over for a few days. Wow life gets busy. Then I went to an opening social and hung out with a bunch of friends I hadn't seen for a few months. I even got sereneded to by Mike. Ha ha it was lots of fun.

And here I am today, looking at a long list of things that I desperately need to do, but I'm updating my life first. What a day...


Mike and Shelby said...

The first letter?!? Only a week out? Wow. Very exciting for you. Glad you had a great first few days at school too.

Mike and Shelby said...

I like your new background too.

Jamie said...

Wow, eventful week for you. mine was not so eventful. How were you able to read Tommy's handwriting?